Talkyto v3.0.3 with voicemail support

  • Voicemail - we added support for voicemails, you can enable it per number under Settings->Voice-> check Voicemail checkbox beside each number you want to enable voicemail on. If incoming call is not answered within 20 secs, message will be played “It appears a call can not be established. Please leave a message after the beep“.

    • Voicemails can be listened to through Recording logs inside Talkyto app.

  • Design change in Voice/Messaging screen so that table now has labels so its more clear about different options we have there.

  • Number select checkbox is automatically selected when adding a new Twilio account.

  • Allow making calls/messages without need to setup a default voice/messaging number, in case Number select is enabled.

  • Improved error messages in calls, messaging, and dial pad screen.


Talkyto v3.0.4


Talkyto v3.0.2 released